The Kiffney Foundation is the aspiration of Robert Kiffney


Surviving a near fatal motorcycle accident in 1991, Robert Kiffney was a graduate of Cornell University and Johns Hopkins University in Physics and EE respectively. He wrote advanced software programs for critical government systems and eventually started a company called BrainTrust to bring together talented technical staff to support larger and more complex efforts in support of US Government efforts. After building out a staff of 170 of the top technical talent in the mid-Atlantic region, he sold the business to private equity and eventually to Booz Allen Hamilton.

The Kiffney Foundation is a supporter of: OUR Rescue, Path2Freedom, Youth Haven, and the Tim Tebow Foundation. Robert recently volunteered for a one-year stint on the board of the Youth Haven.

Robert and his wife Samantha are retired to Southwest Florida, surrounded by loving family and raising 3 lovely daughters.


As a youth, Robert Kiffney had every possible opportunity. His parents are still married after 55 years and provided a solid foundation for launching into a life of confidence, success and happiness. Throughout his travels, he has been awed by the success of so many others who did not have the same good fortune. In every example – an orphan, child of an addict, a sexually abused child – there was always an adult who gave their time, energy, and love to save that child. For each of these good examples, there are many that ended less well. The backlog of need for children in distress is great. In an overloaded system, failures abound.

Our mission at the Kiffney Foundation is to identify opportunities to help youth move from failure to success. We prefer to invest in lasting solutions that are impactful to many. Our measure of success is number of kids saved, not dollars raised. We are open to help in all forms – especially great ideas.